Climate-resilient agriculture, community-based disaster risk reduction, and access to clean water are ways that Kenya is adapting to climate change.
In 2022 Laikipia Permaculture Centre Trust yet came into another exciting partnership between arche noVa and African Sand Dam Foundation to build on the Climate Resilient program (CRESS) and ushered in a new project deemed, “CADRR Project” for a duration of 36 months. Implemented in Laikipia North, the project aims at improving the community adaptive capacity to climate change through addressing the issues of water scarcity, food insecurity and environmental degradation. The project is targeting 270 beneficiaries from 5 self help groups namely; Tiamamut, Rhino, Naserian, Naitabaya/Loilepu and Ngabolo Self Help Groups. The groups are located in the 5 group ranches which includes; Tiamamut, Koija, Ilmotiok, Musul and Kijape group ranches respectively
Overall objective (Impact): To improve the community’s adaptive capacity to climate change in the areas of water and food security.
More than 270 members of the community were direct beneficiaries
and 2080 Indirectly enefited from the project.
In total, six self help groups were targeted.
Targeted groups shall;
- Have access to safe water, hygiene and sanitation.
- Improved management of water resources.
- Gain skills on natural resource protection and hazard prevention.
- Develop climate resilient farming skills.