Learn about pest management approaches that work with the environment, that avoid the use of damaging chemicals and that provide a healthier outcome for nature and ourselves.
Traditionally, indigenous knowledge was used for agriculture, planting was done based on natural cycles, using local species. But today farmers are dependent on industrialized agricultural industries and their unchecked price fluctuations.
Most seeds are hybrid or genetically modified, and as chemicals pesticides destroy beneficial soil microorganisms, their use increases dependency on chemical fertilizers. All of this is dramatically increasing the cost of food production. While farmer dependency increases, pest resistance and soil quality are increasingly undermined.
A key aim of IPM is to reduce reliance on insecticides as the sole and primary means of pest control. IPM can improve farmer’ profitability while reducing environmental damage and limiting the risk of on-farm pesticide exposure.
To control the pests, one needs to make a proper identification of the pests and most importantly know the pest’s biology so as a proper management strategy can be planned.